What Are the Typical Symptoms of ADHD?


ADHD, commonly known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a behavior condition marked by inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Although these symptoms are frequently present together, one of them may appear without the others.

Because ADHD commonly manifests in early childhood, it can be difficult to determine if a child’s behavior is typical of most children or not. As a result, many remain undiagnosed. This is one of the gaps that we strive to address at Alpha Health Psychiatry, your trusted provider of behavioral health services in Katy, Texas

Allow us to assist you if you believe your child has this condition. Here is a list of symptoms typically linked with ADHD:

  • Impulsivity
    Children with ADHD often overlook other people’s needs, desires, or social signals. This is not to say that these kids are selfish or disrespectful. Rather, they have a neurological incapacity to focus for extended periods, which others may see as impulsiveness or difficulty with interrupting and taking turns.
  • Emotional Disturbance
    This behavioral disorder is also characterized by a child’s difficulty processing and expressing emotions. This might result in tantrums as these children try to convey their feelings.
  • Dislike for Activities Requiring Prolonged Mental Effort
    These kids may shy away from or shun demanding mental activities. It does not imply, however, that they are lazy. It’s just that their struggle to focus makes it difficult for them to undertake these tasks without putting out a sustained effort.

Should you be interested in our outpatient psychiatric services, you can contact us anytime. 

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