Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a behavioral disorder that is often misunderstood. In mainstream and social media, this serious disorder is often romanticized as merely quirky or being organized. Many people suffer from this disorder and it disrupts their daily lives and affects their relationships. It should be understood properly so we can offer support to people who are suffering from it.

OCD usually includes obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are repetitive thoughts, mental images, or urges that cause a person to be anxious. This can be seen in fear of germs or the need to have things in symmetrical order. Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors that a person feels compelled to do in response to an obsessive thought. For instance, this is manifested by excessive cleaning or arranging things in a symmetrical order. In diagnosing OCD, psychiatrists at our outpatient psychiatric clinic look for these obsessions and compulsions.

As a provider of behavioral health services in Katy, Texas, one of our services is helping people overcome OCD and its related disorders like Skin-Picking Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Hoarding Disorder. We aim to help people suppress their obsessions and compulsions through appropriate treatment plans.

Feel free to call or visit us at Alpha Health Psychiatry for consultations or inquiries. We also have telepsychiatry in Texas so we can do our counseling online.

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